August 25

Bloody Scotland 2024 – Friday 13th Fright Night

The countdown is on – Bloody Scotland 2024 is now so close we can almost touch it. Each year a huge number of the very best crime writers and contributors head to Stirling in the middle of September (collectively crossing their fingers the weather will be fair) and entertain us across three days with their insight, inspiration and investigative skills. The panels are diverse and will be funny, informative, sobering or educational but they always entertain.

This year there is another dazzling array of talent on show and for visitors to the Bloody Scotland festival the usual dilemma around which panels you need to attend. As we count down the days towards Friday 13th September and the commencment of Bloody Scotland 2024 a number of bookbloggers will share their thoughts on the festival and highlight the panels they are most excited to see. I have the honour of kicking things off today and making my “most anticipated” selection was a bit of a no-brainer as one panel immediately drew my attention as I perused the programme: Friday 13th Fright Night with Stuart Neville, Ben Aaronovich and JD Oswald.

I’m a firm believer in allowing crime stories to deviate from the vices and evils of the human race. I’m aware many readers will opt not to pick up a crime story if they believe there are fantasy or supernatural elements to the book – while I fully respect their decision I do feel it only fair to point out they are missing out on some of the very best crime novels in print today. Why be tied down with a more conventional solution when a supernatural twist to a tale opens up so many more possibilities?

Which leads me nicely to the Fright Night Friday 13th panel at this year’s festival. The very fact we have panels on Friday 13th September sets up the wonderful opportunity to bring some chills into our reading.

And so to the panel…first name to catch my eye was a former Decades contributor JD Oswald. James’s Tony McLean novels and the Constant Fairchild books are firm favourites of mine and I always enjoy any opportunity to hear James speaking about his writing.

Broken Ghosts is due to be published in the very near future under the name JD Oswald and the intriguing title has already grabbed my attention. I’m hoping for the chance to pick up a copy at the event.

I’m also very much looking forward to hearing Ben Aaronovitch.  Last year I was one of the contributors to the Bloody Scotland Book Club and I suggested we read the first Rivers of London novel. I loved revisiting a story I’d previously enjoyed but the high point of our chat was when one of my fellow contributors confessed she’d not have considered reading the book due to the supernatural elements…she loved it and was seeking out more of Ben’s books.  Which takes me back to my introduction – so many great books can be missed if you exclude a supernatural element from your reading.

And the third member of this chilling trio…Stuart Neville.

I have a self-imposed reading deadline ahead of this panel as I’ve just bought Blood Like Mine by Stuart Neville. In the lead up to publication day of Blood Like Mine I’d seen nothing but praise for this book from authors and bloggers so I nabbed myself a copy and I’ve intentionally avoided reading the blurb and ANY spoilers…I’m going in  cold and I can’t wait!

You can’t forget Friday 13th so kick of your Bloody Scotland in the chilling Fright Night panel.

Tickets for all the events at Bloody Scotland can be purchased directly from the festival website at


If you want to take in the Fright Night Chills of Friday 13th then here’s the link you need:

Keep your eyes peeled over the next couple of weeks as the Bloody Scotland Blog Tour visits all these wonderful bloggers and they share details of the panels and guests they are most excited to see:








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Posted August 25, 2024 by Gordon in category "From The Bookshelf