June 19

Stalkers – a great book crept up on me


Time’s up. You’re Next.

“All he had to do was name the woman he wanted. It was that easy. They would do all the hard work.”

Detective Sergeant Mark ‘Heck’ Heckenburg is investigating the disappearance of 38 different women. Each one was happy and successful until they vanished without a trace.

Desperate to find her missing sister, Lauren Wraxford seeks out Heck’s help. Together they enter a seedy underworld of gangsters and organised crime.

But when they hear rumours about the so-called ‘Nice Guys Club’ they hit a brick wall. They’re the gang that no one will talk about. Because the Nice Guys can arrange anything you want. Provided you pay the price…


Having spent some time hanging round Twitter and getting a feel for what fellow readers were spending time with there was one name which cropped up more than once…Paul Finch.

Stalkers seemed the ideal jumping on point as it introduced Mark Heckenburg, a recurring central figure for Finch’s books. Promising start from my point of view – I love when an author establishes a character and builds on their story over a few books.

From the outset I was drawn into the story the Stalker element was unsettling when described  from the victim’s (limited) viewpoint. The scale of the true horror that was to follow was skillfully revealed and kept me hooked. There were some very disturbing concepts brought out and the author really put his characters through the wringer.

I read a lot of Michael Slade books when I was younger. Murder stories featuring the Royal Canadian Mounted Police but with nasty ‘shlock horror’ undertones.  This is the closest UK equivalent that I have read for many years but Stalkers was better – much, much better than anything Slade ever wrote.

I have no hesitation in calling Stalkers the best book that I have read this year – GRAB THIS BOOK  I give it an A+.

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June 16

New Find – Paul Finch

The best thing about this blogging lark is when fellow bloggers give you a heads-up on authors that you may not have read yet.  Over the last two weeks I have read the name Paul Finch many times on my Twitter feed.

Time for a bit of an investigation and I discover he writes thrillers, set in the UK and that (best of all) there is a recurring hero as the lead character in his ‘Heck’ books.

On the train to work this morning I began Chapter One of Stalkers.  I was immediately drawn into the story and 40 mins later left the train in very grumpy mood as work was about to interrupt a great story.

Lunch was too short but I squeezed in a few more chapters and the journey home meant another 40 minutes of uninterrupted reading. The true test of how good this story is – I turned off the World Cup commentary on my radio to read Mr Finch’s book.  Probably the most telling sign as to just how good it is!

Full review soon but writing it now would only slow me down from finishing the story.

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June 12

Books in progress

Lots of reading going on over the last few days.  Taken to the Amazon Kindle sale to stock up on some of my old faves.  Ed McBain’s 87th Precinct stories are a great wee piece of escapism for me, however, they are short so I grudge paying £8 or so for a book I will read in a night.  This is why I nab as many as I can when they go on sale (ie now).

This week’s digital reads are JD Robb stories. I love the Eve Dallas books and as work has been a bit hectic this week I am re-visiting one or two of the Dallas stories I remember less well from the first read through.

In paperback I am reading FAN – kindly provided by Sophie from @ReviewedTheBook. This one is full on and I am reading it in bursts as I find it intense and not always in a good way.  Must check with Sophie if she found any empathy for the protagonist (I am feeling sorry for his fiancee more than him).

A full review of FAN will follow soon as this is a book everyone should see.

Finally – I was planning attending an author signing this week in Edinburgh but found out it had been cancelled late in the day.  Both the publisher and author offered me apologies on Twitter after I posted my disappointment. See – there ARE nice people on Twitter.

June 3

Ash – I finished it (and it nearly finished me)

Scroll down my pages and you will see that I was reading James Herbert’s Ash. Having been a James Herbert fan since my teenage years I had held back reading Ash for many, many months – mainly because Mr Herbert sadly passed away not long after publication and I knew that this was the last of his books I would ever get to read.

ash The book started with great potential and I really liked the plot threads that seemed to be developing. The central character had featured in two previous novels and I always enjoy when a familiar face is re-introduced. I made a point to re-read Haunted (where the titular David Ash was first introduced) before turning to Ash so I would be fresh on the character’s back story.

Sadly about half way through this book it all started to go wrong. I appreciate that horror stories can be prone to dramatic excesses for the sake of a plot device, however, this was off the wall.  Translucent children, spawn of Hitler, a secret royal baby, incestuous millionaire siblings – any one of these would defy credibility in most books – to chuck them all in to a single novel makes a farce. Oh, forgot to mention Lord Lucan alive and well and hiding in a remote Scottish castle.

I wondered if Mr Herbert’s editor was just so relieved to finally get a manuscript (there had been a significant gap between Ash and the previous novel) that the thought of further delays while edits were made was just too horrific to contemplate?

I started Ash in April, this review will go live in June. It did not take me 3 months to get to the end of a 400 page book, it has taken me 3 months to research lots of new words that I could use to explain to friends just how terrible Ash is. It really is awful. Abysmal. Dire. This could well be the worst book I have read since High School (20+ years ago).

I started blogging so that I could share news of books I enjoyed – I had not expected that I would also use these pages as a vehicle to tell people to avoid a story by one of my favourite authors.

Grab this book – put it somewhere safe, ideally out of the reach of others. If you want to read a James Herbert novel then I recommend The Magic Cottage or The Rats.

Any of these are better than Ash.
Any of these are recommended before reading Ash.
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June 2

Catching up

I have been gone for quite a while, many books have passed through my hands and there have been lots of Kindle uploads. Why the significant gap in updates?  Check out my final review of Ash!

Since my last post World Book Night has come and gone.  I managed to gift all my books (bar three and they are earmarked for specific readers). I had fun presenting some books to random strangers, I left one on the train so it could be ‘found’ (though I was sitting a few chairs away watching to see who nabbed it).  More importantly I tried to ensure they went to people who generally don’t get to read much – as I live in one of the less glamorous areas of Lanarkshire this was quite easy!

I did get a kick out of watching the passengers on the train trying to be subtle about taking what appeared to be a forgotten book.  I had boarded the train at a quiet station, destination Edinburgh.  I walked down a near-empty carriage and dropped a copy of Gorky Park onto an empty seat. If you did not see this year’s World Book Night titles it helps to know the covers were predominantly bright orange – Gorky Park is not a short book either!

Grab This Book
Grab This Book

The book sat alone for two stations though people did stare at it as they walked down the carriage. As we neared the Capital the train busied-up and people started to sit beside the lone book.  There were subtle glances towards it and one man even flipped it over to read the back – not brave enough to pick it up though!

I thought that my fellow passengers may be too polite to lift someone’s forgotten book – as I was riding the train to the end of the line I had planned to lift the book if nobody took it.  However, all was to resolve its-self quite suddenly.  As we pulled into Edinburgh Park station a lady placed her copy of The Metro onto the chair beside her (and on top of Gorky Park). The train stopped, the lady rose, lifted her paper (and a now-concealed copy of Gorky Park) and left the train. A quick glance back at the door to check she was not being challenged….BOOM – Gorky Park had a new home!

I hope she enjoyed it. Later it also dawned on me that she really did Grab This Book.

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April 14

World Book Night Draws Near

Exciting email received today from the team at World Book Night. It seems that my copies of Gorky Park should now be waiting for me at my designated collection point.

April 23rd draws ever closer and I will be looking for good homes for my 18 copies of Gorky Park – hoping also that I cross paths with another book giver who may introduce me to an author I have not read yet.

The first World Book Night (2011) remains my favourite to date as it landed in the middle of Glasgow’s Aye Write festival.  I attended a fantastically bookish evening in the beautiful Mitchell Library. I got to mix with other bookworms and even had the chance to hear Jo Nesbo and Mark Billingham discuss their writing careers.

Wonder what 2014 will bring?



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April 7

Ash – from the pending pile…

After clearing the Agatha Christie collection I was ready to embrace a new author – it was Summer 1990, I was 15 and I was ready to read a HORROR story.  Stephen King seemed the obvious choice but one of the benefits of working in a bookshop was that people are always keen to discuss books they enjoy. Sadly I cannot remember the customer who put me onto James Herbert’s books but I still thank them to this day. The Rats/Lair/Domain trilogy remains a favourite.

Sadly Mr Herbert passed away last year just after the publication of Ash. I bought the book on the week of release (aided by a crazy 20p Kindle offer) and have waited for months to read it. It had been several years since I read a James Herbert novel, this was to be the last one: I couldn’t rush it.

Today my resolve finally broke. I wanted a new book, plenty to choose from but nothing was taking my fancy. Click through the Kindle library….ASH. Bingo!

Not a full write up today as I am still enjoying the read – but I have to say the wait has been worth it. Spooky Scottish castle, strange and unexplained occurrences and a recurring hero in the titular David Ash. Loving the anticipation of what is to come, more to follow.

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March 27

The Murder of Roger Ackroyd

While I am aware that my ‘to read’ pile is extensive (happy days) I would like to assure you that The Murder of Roger Ackroyd has not been on hold since 1926 waiting for me to find time to get around to it.  Sometimes when I finish reading a book I just want the comfort of an old favourite  before I start something new. Part of this is driven by the sheer volume opoirotf books I get through – I read quickly, I skim read and I recognise that I sometimes miss things. By reading some books more than once I will pick up on things I may have missed (or forgotten) from my first read through.

The books of Agatha Christie were my transitional reads from what I perceived to be ‘kids books’ towards stories written for adults. I was twice blessed in this regard – my Aunt had an extensive collection of Dame Agatha’s works which I was able to plunder when we visited. Then, when I was 14, I was lucky enough to gain weekend/summer work in my local bookshop – say ‘Hello’ to the Staff Discount and goodbye to my wages.

For 12 months I could not get enough of Poirot and Marple, always feeling a little disappointed if the story I chose was Tommy and Tuppence or (worse) had no recognisable characters. Then suddenly they were all gone and I had read the entire Agatha Christie back catalogue. Next up was Stephen King but that is for another day…

25 years later I have found that I can return to the world of Marple and Poirot and rediscover the magic that Ms Christie wove. In the case of The Murder of Roger Ackroyd I remember the shock I experienced when I first read the story and how my jaw dropped when the murderer was revealed. For that reason alone it remains one of my favourite Agatha Christie books.

On a second read through I can now appreciate the story in a new light. I know how it ends so I can spot the clues that are left for me, yet I could not remember the circumstances of the murder or the supporting characters so it was almost like reading a new book. Almost.

To those who may not have read this book I would implore you to do so. For everyone else, grab a copy and retreat into familiar comfort of Poirot at his finest.

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March 24

World Book Night

One of my primary reasons for wanting to share my love of books stems from my participation in World Book Night. This incredible initiative began in 2011 and I have been fortunate to have been selected as a Book Giver for each of the 4 years.

World Book Night’s webpage describes their venture as: ‘a celebration of reading and world book nightbooks, which sees passionate volunteers gift books in their communities to share their love of reading’.

A visit to their website is highly recommended and, although it is too late to register for 2014 they are looking for more people to become involved with World Book Night 2014 as Community Book Givers.

The caliber of authors signing up to be involved with World Book Night lends real weight to the underlying aim to get people reading.  Literary heavyweights such as Lee Child, Stephen King, Terry Pratchett, Philip Pullman, Adele Parks, Norah Roberts (to name just a few) all have supported World Book Night over the years. I am sure they also benefit from increased readership as a result of their books reaching new audiences, so this is a win/win situation for readers and the writers too.

On 23rd April be on the lookout for a World Book Night event near you – details are on numerous websites and your local library will hopefully be involved too.

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March 24

Natural Causes – James Oswald

Inspector McLean - Book 1
First Inspector McLean Novel

One of the main reasons I set about putting together my site was to force myself to read new books and discover new authors. Not necessarily new authors who were publishing their debut novels, but authors that are new to me.

Leaving the office last week I saw a large poster advertising James Oswald’s Inspector McLean series. There appeared to be 3 books in the collection and when the poster name checked Ian Rankin, Stuart MacBride and Peter James I was sold.

Two days later I can honestly say that I had a lot of fun with Natural Causes and it will not be long before I seek out the next book. I found Oswald’s style very easy to read, the characters were engaging and memorable and the story took plenty of twists and turns to hold my attention.

The story unfolded well covering a spate of burglaries in the well to do areas of Edinburgh. There were MANY nasty murders amongst the ranks of high profile city gentlemen. Then throw in an unusual discovery of a young girl’s body who had been murdered some 60 years previously.   In the midst of the carnage was Inspector McLean, dealing with the chaos of multiple murders, hostile suspects, equally hostile colleagues and his own personal tragedy when there is a death in his family.

Oswald builds a supporting cast who are immediately likeable and put me in mind of the team ‘assembled’ by Stuart MacBride in the Logan McRae series (helped in no small part by the fact Oswald has named one of the team Stuart MacBride).  MacBride himself is named and thanked in the author acknowledgements.

Woven through the story are hints of former misfortunes which befell McLean and also the promise of more pain to follow. The author nicely setting up future books, clearly he has a plan as to where he wants to take his characters.

On finishing Natural Causes I fully understood the reason why the advert I saw named Peter James. There is an other-worldly twist to this tale which may not please all the readers, however, fans of Mr James and of John Connelly’s Charlie Parker books should be seeking out Natural Causes to add to their library.

No qualms in advising that you – Grab This Book.


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