August 22

Akea – The Power of Destiny – Elizabeth Jade

Akea is born into a family of sled dogs and a life that follows a predictable path, but from the day she first sees the lone wolf, Kazakh, Akea knows her future lies beyond the safety of her home. Kazakh is well aware of Akea’s destiny and the pack laws he will break to help her reach it. Regardless of the challenges ahead, he must make sure this young husky will be ready, even if it means his life.


My thanks to Rachel at Rachel’s Random Resources for my review copy and the chance to join the tour.


This is a father/son review.  Well that was the plan, my 8yo was keen to read Akea when I showed him the cover and description and we agreed that we would make it our book of choice when we did bedtime reading.

Didn’t quite work out that way.  After the first chapter my co-reviewer decided that Dad didn’t read quickly enough and that he wanted to get more of the story each night. So I was dumped and my wee bookworm cracked on with reading Akea The Power of Destiny all by himself.

And he tore through it.

Then came the tricky bit…”can you tell me what you liked about the book so that I can put your review online?”  I shall share his observations as best I can. He really liked the fact the dogs were speaking and chatting like they were people. He thought the story was fun, exciting and “good to read” each night.

A definite hit with my young bookworm. He may not be the best at writing out a full review for me (unfortunately) but he clearly enjoyed reading Akea and the story definitely held his attention.

I read a bit of the book too and it is an easily accessible story for young readers – a good book to get a confident reader to try to tackle on their own. There are many nice illustrations throughout the book which break up the text to make it seem less daunting for kids who may be anxious at the prospect of reading lots of full pages of text.

A charming story which my wee bookworm happily read through and has been chatting positively about since he finished it.


Akea The Power of Destiny is available in paperback and digital format and can be ordered here:

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