March 27

The Elf King – Lorraine Hellier

Lorraine Hellier’s children’s book The Elf King follows the story of a family of elves. Bay Leaf is the new Elf King. In this fantasy tale his sister, Sweet Pea, demonstrates her love and devotion for her brother.

In the story, the elves go on a perilous journey to the Mountain Shrine where Bay Leaf must take his ‘Oath of Allegiance’ to the ‘Moon Lake Elves’. An enchanted book offers advice and guidance from their ancestors and warns Sweet Pea to take care of her brother several times during the journey. Bay Leaf almost loses his life…Sweet Pea supports Bay Leaf throughout the journey, but will her interference bring resolution to Bay Leaf’s heartache on their return?

This traditional tale of love and loyalty will appeal to children aged between 7-9 that enjoy fantasy tales. Lorraine uses The Elf King to raise issues surrounding family loyalty and the importance of supporting each other in difficult times.


My thanks to Rachel and Rachel’s Random Resources for the chance to join this blog blitz

I have two mini-bookworms and story-time at bedtime has always been a very important part of our nightly routine. My eldest bookworm is devouring anything he can get his paws on (currently Calvin and Hobbes cartoons and some Magnus Chase thrillers). However, my youngest still enjoys being read a story of an evening and he often asks if he can help me write my blog.  So when I was offered the chance to read Lorraine Hellier’s The Elf King I jumped at the opportunity to read a book with my son and get his contributions to the review.

First up, the Dad’s submission.

The Elf King was a great story to take my son through.  A few adventures to Enid Blyton’s Faraway Tree have prepared him for reading fantasy novels so he had no trouble accepting the concept of Elves on a quest. We took on a chapter or two each night (depending on how tired he was) most chapters we comfortably read in 10 to 20 minutes, longer when we were chatting about the story as we went.

Together we joined Bay Leaf on a journey which should see him secure his legacy of head of his kinfolk. It was a journey traveled by his father and his father before him. Bay travels with his family and keeping him company is his sister Sweet Pea. Pea acts as the readers eyes for much of the book – she chats to the reserved Bay and draws out his secrets. And what a secret Bay Leaf has been keeping from his family.  The unexpected death of his father thrusts Bay into a position he had not anticipated to find himself in so soon. It creates a very personal problem which he does not want to share.  The trust and friendship of his sister will help Bay to find himself on his journey. The magic book they carry will help them both to find their way.

The Bookworm Boy

As we read I would ask about the story, what he thought of characters.  Was Bay right to keep his secrets, what would we do with a magic book? It gave us some fun chats and helped my son to engage with the story.

When we finished I asked how he enjoyed it and I received a very positive response.  He seemed to like Sweet Pea the best, I think Bay was a little too reserved at times (plus Pea carried the story).  He has made his own magic book which seems to mirror some of the traits shown in the book carried by Sweet Pea.

We enjoyed our time reading The Elf King, it was a comforting story which he responded well to and he was disappointed when we reached the end of the tale.


The Elf King is published by Matador and is available in digital and paperback format.  You can order a copy here:

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